Uygar'a "Yasak Meyve"yi yazdigi ve bizlerle paylastigi icin cok tesekkurler!
Istanbul Universitesi'nde Amerikan Kültürü/Edebiyati ve İngiliz Dili/Edebiyati okudugum 1989-1994 yillari arasinda mitolojiye ek olarak Eski Ahit ve Yeni Ahiti defalarca okumus ve derslerde edebiyat ve toplumsal ve kulturel gelismeler acisindan ele alip, yine defalarca tartismistik. Tabii, hocalarimiz konulari cogunlukla "feminist elestiri" acisindan ele almislar; okudugumuz yazarlarin etkisi ile bu beni ve bircok arkadasimi "ecofeminist elestiri" noktasina tasimisti. Kitabindaki uslup ve icerigin, halen hasretle andigim bu yillari bana hatirlatti.
Bir de o yillarda yani 1996'da yazdigim ve Londra'da Minerva Press tarafindan basilmak istenen fakat ekonomik sebeblerle basilamayan, "Yasak Meyve" baglaminda bu siirimi paylasmak istiyorum.
Ode to Gaia
“April is the cruelest month”*
in which aridness prevails
“Thunder without rain”*
flashes in the cave*
Invisible womb begets a star
A star begets some light
some light gave birth to the eyes
Then, the “tree of knowledge”* would be
full of eyes, the most venerable fruit so utile
where the cobweb of chakras* die
stealing an “eye” from the branch of lie.
A voice whispers, then:
“Eye am the son of light!”
I the sun burns the light into night.
However, the night bore the child, a mother* killer “consumingly”* murders the night
Over be night, Over be dreaming
A voice continues and says:
“Paradise Lost”* at the dawn of vicious sun!
*- “April is…” refers to Waste Land by T. S. Eliot.
*- “Thunder…” refers to Waste Land by T. S. Eliot.
*- “cave” refers to Platon’s cave allegory.
*- “tree of knowledge” refers to Genesis of The Old Testament.
*- “chakras” refers to the energy spots on body believed by Hindu people.
*-”mother” refers to Gaia the Mother Earth.
*- “consumingly” refers to The Old Testament and the Cabbalistic connotation of Zoharian truth. It also refers to Prometheus's fire...
*- “Paradise Lost” refers to “Paradise Lost” by John Milton.
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